Using the science and practice of implementation to strengthen equity in our education systems, support our educators, and improve outcomes for children, families, and communities.

Primary goal

To support the development of a diverse educator workforce to advance student learning and strengthen cross-agency coordination and community engagement to ensure systemic change.

Second goal

To increase use of implementation science to expand selection, adoption, and sustained use of evidence-based practices that result in equitable outcomes for students with disabilities.

Our Objectives

Implementation for Educators Blog

Preparing for Implementation: Running Your Own Race to Achieve Lasting Success

Preparing for Implementation: Running Your Own Race to Achieve Lasting Success When participating in a marathon, it’s essential to remind yourself to run your own race. The competition is between you and time. While many others surround you, you’re not …

Check out our latest eNotes!

SISEP September eNote: Project Updates, Tailoring Supports, and Learner Pathways

September's eNote provides you with an update on the SISEP Center's four core activities: Micro-credentialing, Universal TA, Targeted TA, and Intensive TA. You will also find a NEW interactive lesson for Tailoring Supports and helpful Active Implementation Hub Learner Pathway Guides!

E-notes are brief messages highlighting key learnings and key illustrations related to practices of implementation